Bespoke instruments are key to our research and central to our day-to-day work.
(Picture courtesy C.Hicks with permission of A. Gibbs)
CORE EQUIPMENT The main experimental plat form of the group is 3D Vector magnet (9T/1T/1T) allowing for arbitrary magnetic paths in parameter space. This system can be used with both a a fast turnaround dilution refrigerator insert (base temperature of 40mK) and a variable temperature insert (VTI) covering the temperature range up to room temperature. We furthermore have access to a flow cryostat resistivity rig, sample preparation facilities and of course the thin film technologies of the Center for Designer Quantum Materials in St Andrews. The facility will soon be extended by a measurement syste for physical properties, a squid-based magnetometer, bespoke scanning probe instrumentation as well as a dedicated thin film x-ray machine.
CORE TECHNOLOGIES Basic high precision magnetoconductivity measurements are implemented in all inserts. For thermodynamic experiments we are implementing a new bespoke experimental platform tailored to thin film materials. We will use state-of-the-art thin film fabrication tools and ultra-thin membranes for magnetisation, magnetotorque, specific heat and magnetocaloric effect measurements.
FACILITIES AND COLLABORATIONS ST ANDREWS St Andrews has a very strong Condensed Matter community with several facilities and key expertise to which we have access. These include the thin film growth in the Center for Designer Quantum Materials, the clean room facilities, sample characterisation facilities and several other techniques with the School of Physics and Astronomy.
FACILITIES AND COLLABORATIONS PHYESTA / SUPA Within the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) and PHYSics at Edinburgh and ST Andrews (PHYESTA) use oif further facitlities, in aprticular the Quantum Design PPMS at CSEC in Edinburgh are possible.