For a list of key publications from previous projects please visit Past Research.
Full Publication list can be found here via ORCID
Selected Recent Publications
[1] Y.-S. Li et al., arxiv 2201.04147 (2022) – To appear in Nature
Elastocaloric determination of the phase diagram of Sr2RuO4
[2] Q. He et al., arXiv 2110.11125 (2021)
Real-space visualization of quasiparticle dephasing near the Planckian limit in the Dirac line node material ZrSiS
[3] C. A. Marques et al., Advanced Materials 33, 2100593 (2021)
Magnetic-Field Tunable Intertwined Checkerboard Charge Order and Nematicity in the Surface Layer of Sr2RuO4
[4] C. M. Yim et al., Nano Letters 21, 2786 (2021)
Strain-Stabilized (pi, pi) Order at the Surface of Fe1+xTe
[5] A. W . Rost, et al., APL Materials 7, 121114 (2019)
Inverse-perovskites A3BO (A = Sr, Ca, Eu/B = Pb, Sn): A platform for control of Dirac and Weyl Fermions
[6] D. V. Efremov, et al., PRL 123, 207202 (2019)
Multicritical Fermi Surface Topological Transitions
[7] D. Werdehausen, et al., Science Adv. 4, eaap 8652 (2018)
Coherent order parameter oscillations in the ground state of the excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5
[8] D. Sun PRB 97 et al., PRB 97, 115101 (2018)
Low temperature thermodynamic investigation of the phase diagram of Sr3Ru2O7
[9] L. M. Schoop et al., Science Adv. 4, eaar2317 (2018)
Tunable Weyl and Dirac states in the nonsymmorphic compound CeSbTe
[10] Y.F. Lu, Nat. Comm. 8, 14408 (2017)
Zero-gap semiconductor to excitonic insulator transition in Ta2NiSe5
Past Research – please also see here
Excitonic Insulator Physics
Zero-gap semiconductor to excitonic insulator transition in Ta2NiSe5
Lu, Y. F., Kono, H., Larkin, T. I., Rost, A. W., Takayama, T., Boris, A. V., Keimer, B., Takagi, H.
Nature Communications, Vol. 8, 14408 (2017)
Unconventional superconductivity
[1] Identifying the ‘fingerprint’ of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in iron pnictide superconductors
M.P. Allan*, K. Lee*, A.W. Rost*, M.H. Fischer, F. Massee, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki, T.-M. Chuang, J.C. Davis and E.-A. Kim
Nature Physics, Vol. 11, 177-182 (2015)
[2] Anisotropic Energy Gaps of Iron-Based Superconductivity from Intraband Quasiparticle Interference in LiFeAs
M.P. Allan*, A.W. Rost*, A.P. Mackenzie, Yang Xie, J.C. Davis, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki and T.-M. Chuang
Science, Vol. 336, 563 (2012)
Quantum Phase Transitions
[1] Entropy Landscape of Phase Formation Associated with Quantum Criticality in Sr3Ru2O7
A.W. Rost, R .S. Perry, J.F. Mercure, A.P. Mackenzie and S.A.Grigera
Science, Vol. 325, 1360 (2009) /
[2] Thermodynamics of phase formation in the quantum critical metal Sr3Ru2O7
A.W. Rost, S.A. Grigera, J.A.N. Bruin, R.S. Perry, D. Tian, S. Raghu, S.A. Kivelson and A.P. Mackenzie
PNAS, Vol. 108, 16549 (2011)